Brian Keeley
Brian L. Keeley (2016).“Natural mind” in The Cambridge Companion to Naturalism, Kelly James Clark, ed., Cambridge University Press: 196-208.
Publication year: 2016

Naturalism concerning the mental is the belief that the tools and concepts of natural science are necessary to achieve an understanding of the mind. After briefly setting the stage of naturalism and the mind, I pose the question of naturalism about the mind in its historical context, comparing the development of naturalist approaches to philosophy of mind to Bertrand Russell’s “hiving off” model of the history of Western philosophy, where parts of philosophy have split away from the field as we developed new ways to answer questions once central to philosophy. Next, after distinguishing ontological from methodological senses of naturalism, I then explore a number of different twentieth century naturalist approaches to studying the mind, ending with a discussion of Eliminative Materialism and its stress on the continuity of scientific (naturalist) and commonsense understandings of the mind.